The Secret Sauce of Nonprofit Facebook Engagement
Motivating your inner circle to engage with your page is the secret sauce here and you do that by creating an Amplification Committee.
Select a group of 3-12 people to be your Amplification Committee. These are your board members, your staff, your volunteers, your biggest fans. People that you consider on the inside already, not the outer circle you’re trying to reel in.
- Ask your Amplification Committee to comment and share (not just like or react!) on every post your page posts. It should be genuine so it is better for them to skip a post than comment “Cool!” on every single post. They can share to their own timeline, to a group, to a friend’s timeline… It doesn’t have to clog up all of their friends feeds with every single page post. (Address that concern up front by reminding about sharing to groups!)
This isn’t terribly hard to do, but getting people to consistently follow through can often be the tricky part. That’s what this trick described below helps with.
Here’s how to automatically send an email to each member of your Amplification Committee every time you publish a new Facebook post you want them to interact with. This is so much more effective than asking them to keep checking back on the page for when there is a new post. They’ll click right over from the email and comment – So easy!
Zap Your Nonprofit Facebook Engagement!
- Have the From email be the email address that you use with your Amplification Committee normally. IMPORTANT: Also make this address the Reply-to email.
- Enter in the email addresses of the Amplification Team. TIP: It says you can only enter in 5 but you can also enter in up to 5 Cc’d emails and 5 more Bcc’d emails at the bottom so it is really 15!
- Give it a subject like “New Post on the iMission Facebook Page.”
- For the text, include a link to your Facebook page: “Please stop by to comment on and share the latest post on”